Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I left home yesterday with a thin blouse as the weather was quite warm and by noon it was 40 degress. Texas is such a cunfused place, you really have to watch the news to know how to dress each day. It remains me on how life changes so fast and if you are not ready it will catch you by surprise, unprepared and lost. We feel as if we are in such control of our lives and future only to find that someone else, mighty is calling the shouts.
I notice the other day a church in our area with a sing about divorce care so I stopped in yesterday and got the information. They will start again for the new year and I really would like to attend. I am having problems in dealing or knowing how to deal with the Christmas without a husband and the family I have been so use to. To decorate, to cook, to buy presents, to hang out together is forever gone and that is something to comprehend. I am forced to make changes, after 27 years of the same things will be no more.It is sad, but I do have my girls and they will be with me at Christmas. I don't know how I would have made it this far and to know that there are some without family and having to face Christas alone.

1 comment:

Cas said...

I have this new life and still I miss parts of the old one. Being able to stay home with my kids, the kids being small enough to still be in awe over Christmas, how excited they used to get over riding in the car to look at Christmas lights.

I often feel like I ruined everything for everybody. But the truth of the matter is, when I kids grow up, it's natural to miss past holiday seasons when everyone was together.

Divorce can be soul shattering. I think a divorce group is a great idea - wish we had one around here.