Friday, December 19, 2008

School close......yeeeeeeeeha!

It's the Christmas party in our class. Yes, the 6th graders were so excited to be at school today. There were hands filled with gifts for friends, foods for the party, Santa hats and the weii, halo,dsl and ipods. Man how times have changed. It was fun, to see the happiness and excitement on their faces. Of cause they had gifts for their teacher, I love Christmas, lots of nice little gifts from students. It really make those day when you wonder if you are in the right profession worth sticking it out. To know that in their Christmas shopping they thought about you and wanted to show their love, I do appreciate that so much, they are really little angels.
The students get off early today but we have to stay and clean up until 3:30pm and then my oldest will be taking me to a Rocket's game tonight. This has been a good day!!!

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