Tuesday, December 9, 2008


TNeill will be coming home for Christmas on Friday and it would be so nice to spend the time with her. You love your children but letting them go to make their own life is hard. As a mom you just want to watch over them and keep them close like a mother hen and her chicks but even a hen at some point allows her chick to venture on their own. How they grow so fast. I sometimes run into students I taught in 5th grade, high school, and they are now married, with children, divorced.... time wait on no one.
Yes it is evident when I see that I now have to dye my hair because of all the grey, I can't climb stairs the way I use to and I now refuse to get on a roller-coaster. Where has the time gone, what have I accomplished in the time I had, what doors will be open for me in the future, once again only time will tell.
Time, time, time, it makes us older, it makes us slower, it makes us forget....as it is said
"Time waits for no man"

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