Sunday, December 21, 2008


Today I went to the church my ex-husband and I pastored for 6 years. I had promised 3 children there that I would come and watch them participate in their Christmas play. I did not know what to expect once I got there, after all, there were still members who remembered my ex as being a pastor and did not know what happened to us.
The now pastor and his wife are good friends of ours and she did invite me to sing carols with them and told the congregation who I was......a bit strange. The children did well and afterwards we went in the back to eat and pass out gifts. I did have a few members who asked me about Winston and what he was doing, I was able to slip away by pretending not to hear but had to sit by one who insisted on talking about Winston and how good he was. I leaned over and whispered in her ears "we are divorced". She was shocked and spoke no more.
The rest of the day got better, I spend it with an old friend, a member from the church . We watched a dvd, ate and just talk. It was a relaxing time and I enjoyed being away from home for a while. I left at 7pm and on my way home drove the route that we did when we pastored and I started to cry, remembering how we did those drives for 6 years,talking, laughing, singing with the girls all the way home. At one point, when we reached downtown, Winston would wake up TNeill because she loved to see the tall buildings, he would say "T'Neill the city!!!" .....I miss that, I realized that no longer are we going to be together, the memories will no longer be shared. I really do hate divorce, it destroyed everything!!!!!!!

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