Tuesday, July 3, 2007

"Little Mouth"

Today was a long and strange day. I had to use my lunch hour to give my husband the car and of cause it took my whole lunch hour to do it. ....bummer! It got worst, at the end of the day when the parents came to get their little "angels" I had one who told his mom the "teacher hit me" of cause I was shocked, surprised and mad. Of cause you see the belief in the mother's eyes but it was not so. I then begun to see how something is said and your whole thoughts, moods, emotions changes. Why would I hit someone's child, Of cause he does not use the right words to say what he means. To know that one word, statement can change a person's relationship, job and even a person life. It is not a nice feeling. To be accused of something that is not so can be devastating. The world has changed so much and a mis-placed word can start wars!
" Be careful little mouth what you say"

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