Saturday, November 24, 2007

Seeing Red on Black Friday.

In-laws are in town, met my 7 months old nephew Zaiah and he is a beauty. I am happy to have them here and the change is great. My girls are home and Thanksgiving was really nice. I do realized, whiles watching everyone eat and laugh from great food and embarrassing "old stories" how blessed I am and I paused to say Thank you.

Yesterday for the first time EVER, I attempted to go to the mall on "Black Friday". My Lord,!!!!! are people really serious? It was as if the mother ship finally arrived and people had to get the last shopping in. It was a toss salad of people, every veggie was represented. My mother in laws had foot surgery and so we had to get her a wheel chair, think of that with 100,000 people stampeding towards you. All of that reminded me of why I hate shopping so much, the rude people, the slow one, the rushed ones, the lines at the cash register, at the bathroom, at the fitting room, at the restaurants, even trying to park we were met with lines. There were crying babies, cell phone LOUD talkers, angry mothers with lots of children, husbands you could tell were dragged to this great event, slow old people who should have just stayed home and drink tea. Yes.... what an experience, one I hope not to try again. On top of all of this it was rainy, cold, and windy...... yes Winter is here!!!!!

1 comment:

Cas said...

There's a reason it's called "Black Friday" darlin' - it's a horrible, horrible shopping day. No deal is worth trying to slog through those crowds!!!

A late Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours; it sounds like you're really enjoying your family, as you should.