Friday, November 28, 2008

Blogging 1 year already!!

I have just notice that my first entry was around Thanksgiving of last year since I have been blogging. As I look back on the year I have encountered major changes in my life. TNeill left for college, I am divorced, in a 1 bedroom apt. and trying to understand how are we to grown because of our changes.
I look as life dishes out so many gravels we can either sit and remain miserable in our despair or get up and turn those gravels into solid rocks. I have decided that in spite of the curves and bump I will move onward, forwards and upwards. I expect great blessings, open doors, opportunities that will propel me to another level. One that shows me how to live and enjoy the victories, to understand the defeats and correct the mistakes.
As this 2nd year of blogging begins, I pray that something I will say would be positive, encouraging and maybe life changing for someone.
"When given lemons, make lemonade"

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